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Apellido, inicial del nombre., Apellido, inicial del nombre., and Apellido, inicial del nombre., AÑO DE PUBLICACIÓN. Nombre del paper. Nombre de la revista (COMPLETO). Volumen e issue de la revista, Números de página. y doi o url del paper.
Por ejemplo :
Requier, F., Antúnez, K., Morales, CL., Aldea Sánchez, P., Castilhos, D., Garrido, PM., Giacobino, A., Reynaldi, FJ., Rosso Londoño, J.M., Santos, E. and Garibaldi, L.A., 2018. Trends in beekeeping and honey bee colony losses in Latin America. Journal of Apicultural Research. 57(5), 1-6. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/0005772X.2018.1413620
- Alma, A.M., de Groot, G.S., Buteler, M. 2023. Microplastics incorporated by honeybees from food are transferred to honey, wax and larvae. Environmental Pollution, 320-121078. Leer más
- Bogo, G., de Groot, G.S., Medici, S., Winter, J., Aizen, M.A., Morales, C.L. 2023. Honeys from Patagonia revealed notable pesticide residues in small-scale agricultural landscapes in the past decade. International Journal of Pest Management, 1-9. Leer más
- Boscolo, D., Ribeiro, M. C., Franceschinelli, E. V., Silva-Neto, C. M., Oliveira, F. F., et al. 2023. Atlantic flower-invertebrate interactions: A data set of occurrence and frequency of floral visits. Ecology. 1, 2022. Leer más
Bulacio Cagnolo, N., Aldea- Sánchez, P., Calderón -Fallas, R., Medina-Medina, L.A., Palacio, M. A., Branchiccela, B., Velarde, R., Teixeira, E.W.: Antúnez, K. (2023). The small hive beetle Aethina tumida: Current status in Latin America. Apidologie 54: 23. Leer más.
Corona, M., Branchiccela, B., Alburaki, M., Palmer, E., Madella, S., Chen, Y., and Evans, J.D. 2023. Decoupling the effects of nutrition, age, and behavioral caste on honey bee physiology, immunity, and colony health. Front Physiol 13, 14. Leer más
Franceschinelli, E. V.; Brito, P. V. A.; Bergamini, L. L.; Silva-Neto, C. M.; Carvalheiro, L. M. G. R.; Morais, J. M. et al. 2023. Experimental insecticide applications change tomato pollinator assemblages and do not increase fruit production. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 345: 108310. Leer más
Garrido, P.M., Porrini, M.P., Alberoni, D. et al. 2023. Beneficial Bacteria and Plant Extracts Promote Honey Bee Health and Reduce Nosema ceranae Infection. Probiotics & Antimicro. Prot. Leer más.
Giacobino, A., Miotti, C., Molineri, A., Orellano, E., Signorini, M., Pacini A. 2023. Varroa destructor re-invasion dynamics during autumn and winter in Apis mellifera colonies from a temperate climate. Journal of invertebrate Pathology, 197. Leer más.
Jaques SA, C Jofré-Pérez, MM Murúa, L Vieli & FE Fontúrbel (2023) Crop-specific effects on pan-trap sampling of potential pollinators as influenced by trap color and location. Agronomy 13(2): 552. Leer más
Jesús, F., Dorrego, M., Genolet, R., Gérez, N., Santos, E., Díaz, R., Cesio, M.V., Heinzen, H., Niell, S., 2023. Corbicular Pollen as a Source of Environmental and Pesticide Residue in Agroecosystems, in: Goode, D.J. (Ed.), Pesticide Residues Chemistry, Toxicology and Environmental Impact. Nova Science Publishers, Inc, pp. 91–117.
Litvinoff, L., Menescardi, F., Porrini L, Russo R, Liendo MC, Nucci A, Lusarreta E, Ventura R, Espasadin L, Monmany-Garzia AC, Scannapieco AC, Galindo-Cardona A. ,2023. Morphometric and genetic characterization as tools for selection of Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) stocks in an area of natural hybridization in Argentina. Frontiers in insect science 2:1073999. Leer más
Morfin, N., Harpur, B.A., De la Mora, A., and Guzman, E. 2023. Breeding honey bees (Apis mellifera L.) for low and high Varroa destructor population growth: gene expression of bees performing grooming behavior. Frontiers. Collection. Leer más
Michlig, M, Pacini, A, Merke, J, Orellano, E, Brasca, R, Repetti, M.R, 2023. Sublethal exposure to imidacloprid in commercial Apis mellifera colonies in early spring: performance of honey bees and insecticide transference between in hive products. Apidologie 54 (15). Leer más.
Oliveira N.D., Diniz E., Avila Jr R.S. 2023. Composition and phylogenetic structure of Pampean Grasslands under distinct land use and presence of alien species. Community Ecology 24,73-86.
Pascual, G., Silva, D., Vargas, M., Aranda, M., Cañumir, J.A., López, M.D. 2023. Dietary Supplement of Grape Wastes Enhances Honeybee Immune System and Reduces Deformed Wing Virus (DWV) Load. Antioxidants 12, 54. Leer más
Acevedo-Gonzalez, J. P., Galindo-Cardona, A., Fuenzalida-Uribe, N. L., Ghezzi, A., & Giray, T., 2022. Defensiveness measurement in honey bees (Apis mellifera) and brain expression of associated genes after noxious stimulus. bioRxiv, 2022-04. Leer más
Alburaki, M., Madella, S., Vu, P., and Corona, M. 2022. Influence of honey bee seasonal phenotype and emerging conditions on diet behavior and susceptibility to imidacloprid. Apidology, 53(12). Leer más
Arredondo, D., Zunino P., Antúnez, K., 2022. Monitoring the oral administration of a beneficial microbes mixture based on Apilactobacillus kunkeei strains, on honey bees. Journal of Apicultural Research. 1-4. Leer más.
Avila Jr R.S., Rocha D.I., Nunes C.E.P., Galetto L., Dornelas M.C., Sazima M. 2022. Divergent strategies of nectar secretion in two bat-pollinated Passiflora species. Flora 293, 152114. Leer más
Avila Jr R.S., Pinheiro M. 2022. Flowering segregation and pollinator distinctiveness contribute to coexistence in an extremely generalist plant group. Plant Ecology & Diversity 4, 21. Leer más
Basualdo M., Cavigliasso P., Avila R.S., Aldea-Sánchez P., Correa-Benítez A., Martínez Harms J., Ramos A.K., Rojas-Bravo V. and Salvarrey S. Current status and economic value of insect-pollinated dependent crops in Latin America. Ecological Economics 196 (2022) 107395. Leer más.
Beaurepaire, A., Arredondo, D., Genchi-García, ML., Castelli,L., Reynaldi, FJ., Antunez, K., Invernizzi, C., Mondet, F., Le Conte, Y., Dalmon, A. 2022. Genetic diversification of an invasive honey bee ectoparasite across sympatric and allopatric host populations. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 103, Leer más
Brzoskowski Chagas, D., Liz Monteiro, F., Da Silva Barcelos, L., Frühauf, M.I. et al. 2022. Detection of honey bee viruses in apiaries in Southern Brazil through two standardized multiplex RT-PCR. Journal of Apicultural Research, 61:1. Leer más
Calazans, C. C., Boscolo, D., Ribeiro, G. T., Oliveira da Silva, F., 2022. Bee richness and abundance in small fruit farms from semiarid landscape, NE, Brazil. Journal of Environmental Analysis and Progress, v. 7, p. 169-176. Leer más
Caesar, L., Lopes, A.M.C, Radeski, J.N., Bauermann, S.G., Konzen, E.R., Pombert, J-F., Sattler, A., Blochtein, B., Torres Carvalho, A. and Haag, K.L. 2022. Longitudinal survey reveals delayed effects of low gene expression on stingless bee colony health. Journal of Apicultural Research. 61(5), 654-663. Leer más.
Cavigliasso, P., Phifer, C.C., Knowlton, J.L., Licata, J.A., Flaspohler, D.J., Webster, C.R. & Chacoff, N.P. 2022. Influence of Landscape Composition on Wild Bee Communities: Effects of Functional Landscape Heterogeneity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 340, 108150. Leer más
Cavigliasso, P., Messina, N., Barreto, C.G., Roman, L., Bulacio Cagnolo, N.V. & Rodriguez, G.A. 2022. Dinámica temporal de Epormenis cestri Berg (Hemiptera: Flatidae) y su asociación con los componentes del paisaje del Litoral entrerriano. RSEA. 81:1, 41-51. Leer más.
Chalcoff, V. R., Sasal, Y., Graham, L. E., Vázquez, D. P., and Morales, C. L., 2022. Invasive bumble bee disrupts a pollination mutualism over space and time. Biological Invasions, 1-14. Leer más
Ceccotti, M., Miotti, C., Pacini, A., Signorini,M., Giacobino, A. 2022. Varroa destructor and Nosema sp seasonal dynamics in Apis mellifera colonies from temperate climate in Argentina. Rev vet 33 (1): 87-93. DOI: Leer más.
David, A, Yommi,A, Sánchez,e.E, Martinez, A.N, Murillo, M, Marcellán, O, Atela. O, Palacio,M.A. 2022. Strategic use of honey bees (Apis mellifera L) to increase the number and size of fruits in kiwifruit (Actinidia chinensis var. deliciosa). European Journal of Agronomy. 133. (Article 126420). Leer más
Díaz, R., Durán, N. and Aldea-Sánchez, P. 2022. Comparison between the effectiveness and sensitivity of the sugar shake method versus the soapy water washing technique to detect phoretic mites of Varroa destructor. Chilean J. Agric. Anim. Sci., ex Agro-Ciencia (2022) 38(1): 52- 60. Leer más.
Diaz, B. and Cavigliasso, P. 2022. Contribución de una infraestructura ecológica al control biológico y la polinización en zapallito de tronco (Cucurbita máxima var. zapallito). IDIA21. Año 2, 2 October 2022 (66-69). Leer más
Garanzini, I., Dominguez, E., Moran Giardini P., Churio, M.S., Medici, S., Gende L.B. Bagazo de cerveza para su reutilización como suplemento nutricional de abejas (Apis mellifera). MDA.La Plata: Ministerio de desarrollo agrario (MDA) del gobierno de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. 2022 vol.3 n°. p – . issn 2718-6652.
Gavini, S.S., Moreno, E., Zamorano-Menay, F., Morales, C.L., and Aizen, M.A., 2022. Bumblebee floral neighbors promote nectar robbing in a hummingbird-pollinated plant species in Patagonia. Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 16(2), 183-190. Leer más
Giacobino, A., Pacini A., Molineri A., Bulacio-Cagnolo N., Merke J., Orellano E., Gaggiotti M., Signorini, M. 2022. Impact of nutritional and sanitary management on Apis mellifera colony dynamics and pathogen loads. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 20(4), e0305. Leer más
Giordano, R., Galindo-Cardona, A., Melendez-Ackerman E., Shu-Ching C., Giray, T. 2022. Editorial: Adaptation of Invasive Species to Islands and the Puerto Rican Honey Bee. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution
Haag, K.L., Caesar, L., da Silveira Regueira-Neto, M., de Souza, D.R., Montenegro Marcelino, V, de Queiroz Balbino, V. Torres Carvalho, A. 2022. Temporal Changes in Gut Microbiota Composition and Pollen Diet Associated with Colony Weakness of a Stingless Bee. Microbial Ecology. Leer más
Hünicken, P.L., Morales, C.L., De Villalobos, A.E. and Garibaldi, L.A., 2022. Evaluation of interactions between honeybees and alternative managed pollinators: A meta-analysis of their effect on crop productivity. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 340, 108156. Leer más
Invernizzi, C., Antúnez, K., Arredondo, D., Branchiccela, B., Castelli, L., Juri, P., Mendoza, Y., Nogueira, E., Salvarrey, S., Santos, E. 2022. Situación sanitaria de las abejas melíferas en Uruguay: novedades de la última década. Veterinaria (Montevideo): 58 (217) e20225821704. Leer más
- Nunes Radaeski, J., Sattler A., and Girardi Bauermann, S., 2022. Análise polínica de mel de abelha mandaçaia (Melipona quadrifasciata quadrifasciata Lepeletier) no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil: monitoramento anual em duas localidades. Acta Biológica Catarinense, 2022 Abr-Jun,9(2):89-111. DOI: Leer más
- Medici, S.K., Maggi, M., Galetto, L., Del Rosario Iglesias, M., Sarlo, E.G., Recavarren, M.I., Salar, P.E., Eguaras, M. J., Influence of the agricultural landscape surrounding apis mellifera colonies on the presence of pesticides in honey. Apidologie.paris: EDP Sciences s a. 2022 vol.53 N°2. p – . issn 0044-8435.
Medina, C.A., Medina, L.A., and Guzman, E. 2022. Efecto del comportamiento higiénico sobre la resistencia a la cría calcárea (Ascosphaera apis) en colonias de abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera). Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias 13(1): 225-239. Leer más
Mendoza, Y., Santos, E., Clavijo-Baquett, S., Invernizzi, C. (2022) A reciprocal transplant experiment confirmed mite-resistance in a honey bee population from Uruguay. Veterinary Sciences 9: 596. Leer más
Morales, C.L., Montalva, J., Arbetman, M.P., Aizen, M.A., Martins, A.C., and Silva, D.P., 2022. Does climate change influence the current and future projected distribution of an endangered species? The case of the southernmost bumblebee in the world. Journal of Insect Conservation, 26(2), 257-269. Leer más
Morfin, N., Rawn, D., Petukhova, T., Kozak, P., Eccles, L., Chaput, J., Pasma, T., and Guzman, E. 2022. Surveillance of synthetic acaricide efficacy against Varroa destructor in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist, 154 (e. 17), 1 -7. Leer más
Morfin, N., Macías, J.O., and Guzman, E. 2022. Viral Quantification in Bee Samples Using Synthetic DNA Sequences with Real-Time PCR (qPCR). In Virus-Host Interactions: Methods and Protocols, 57-66. Leer más
Morfin, N., Kozak, P., Ledger, L., You, Q., Bell, P., Zechel, J., Krishnamurthy, A., Slavic, D., Guzman, E., and Cai, H.Y. 2022. Surveillance of viruses in Varroa destructor samples collected from honey bee colonies in Ontario, Canada, between 2015 and 2019. Journal of Apicultural Science, 66 (2), 209 – 215. Leer más.
Morfin, N., Fillier, T.A., Pham, T.H., Goodwin, P.H., Thomas, R.H., and Guzman, E. 2022. First insights into the honey bee (Apis mellifera) brain lipidome and its neonicotinoid-induced alterations associated with reduced self-grooming behavior. Journal of Advanced Research 37, 75-89. Leer más
Morfin, N., Rawn, D., Petukhova, T., Kozak, P., Eccles, L., Chaput, J., Pasma, T., and Guzman, E. 2022. Surveillance of synthetic acaricide efficacy against Varroa destructor in Ontario, Canada. The Canadian Entomologist 154 (e17): 1-7. Leer más
Muntaabski I., Scannapieco A.C., Liendo M.C., Niz J.M., Russo R.M., Salvador R. 2022. Bacterially expressed dsRNA induces Varroa destructor gene knockdown by honey bee-mediated oral administration. Journal of Apicultural Research 61(4): 511-518. Leer más.
Palmer, E.C., Markowitz, L.M., Grubbs, K., Zhang, Y., Corona, M., Schwarz, R., Chen, Y., and Evans, J. D. 2022. Antiparasitic Effects of Three Floral Volatiles on Trypanosomatid Infection in Honey Bees. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 194, 107830. Leer más
Ponce, G., Ramos de Robles, S.L., Macias, J.O., Petukhova, T., and Guzman, E. 2022. Detection and concentration of neonicotinoids and other pesticides in honey from honey bee colonies located in regions that differ in agricultural practices: implications for human and bee health. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (13), 8199, 1- 13. Leer más
Porrini, L.P., Quintana, S., Brasesco, C. et al. 2022. Current genetic diversity of managed and commercially produced Apis mellifera colonies in Argentina inferred by wing geometric morphometrics and COI-COII mtDNA locus. Apidologie 53, 61 . Leer más
Ramos, A.K., De la Mora, A., Contreras, F., Morfin, N., Tapia, J.M., Macías, J.O., Petukhova, T., Correa, A., and Guzman, E. 2022. Genotype, but not climate, affects the resistance of honey bees (Apis mellifera) to viral infections and to the mite Varroa destructor. Veterinary Sciences 9(7), 358. Leer más
Rodríguez M.A., Fernández L.A, Díaz M.L., Pérez M., Corona M & Reynaldi FJ. 2022. Microbiological and chemical characterization of water kefir: an innovative source of probiotics for bee nutrition. Revista Argentina de Microbiología Leer más
Russo M.R., Landi L., Muntaabski I., Liendo M.C., Pietronave H., Merke J., Rodríguez G., Palacio M.A., Basilio A., Lanzavecchia S.B., Scannapieco A.C. 2022. Age-performance and intensity of grooming behavior toward Varroa destructor in resistant and susceptible Apis melliera colonies. Apidologie 53(5): 59. Leer más
Sabahi, Q., Kelly, P.G., and Guzman, E. 2022. Carvone and citral, two promising compounds for controlling the honey bee ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor. Journal of Applied Entomology,146(8), 1003-1010. Leer más
Sáez, A., Aguilar, R., Ashworth, L., Gleiser, G., Morales, C.L., Traveset, A., and Aizen, M.A., 2022. Managed honeybees decrease pollination limitation in self-compatible but not in self-incompatible crops. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289(1972), 20220086. Leer más
Santos, E., Mendoza, Y., Vignale, B., Vera, M., Díaz-Cetti, S., Cabrera, D., Morelli, E., Invernizzi, C. 2022. Animal pollination dependence in Feijoa [Acca sellowiana (Berg) Burret] (Myrtaceae) and variation of pollinators between regions of Uruguay. Brazilian Journal of Animal and Environmental Research 5: 3728-3745. Leer más
Tamaño, G., & Cora, S. (2022). Caracterización y valorización de mieles de un área protegida de Uruguay. INNOTEC, (23 ene-jun), e598. Leer más
Tonello, N., Pimentel Betancurt, D., Huallpa, C.L., et al. 2022. Fractionation of hexane extracts from Achyrocline satureioides and their biological activities against Paenibacillus larvae. Braz J Microbiol 53: 1645–1655. Leer más
Valizadeh, P., Guzman, E., and Goodwin, P.H. 2022. High genetic variability of Nosema ceranae populations in Apis mellifera from East Asia compared to Central Asia and the Americas. Biological Invasions 24, 3133-3145. Leer más
Vazquez, M., Quintana, S., Medici, S., Gende, L., Evaluar la efectividad de la levadura de cerveza subproducto de la industria cervecera como bioestimulante en hidroponía. INNOTEC: LATU. 2022 vol.24 N°. p – . . e-issn 1688-6593
Vega M., Reynaldi, F.J., Altamirano,R., Salina, M.D., Juárez, M.A., Albo, G.N. 2022. Preliminary report of the toxicity of Lippia junelliana (Lamiales: Verbenaceae) and Elionurus muticus (Poales: Poaceae) on Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Revista De La Sociedad Entomológica Argentina. 81 (1): 19 – 28. Leer más
Zhang, Y., Liu, A., Kang, S., Evans, J.D., Cook, S.C., Palmer, E., Corona, M., Alburaki, M., Liu, G., Chou, R., Feng, W., Hao, Y., Lian, J., Gilligan, T.M., Smith, A.H., Banmeke, O., Posada, F.J., Hui, Y., DeGrandi, G., Chun, H., Sadzewicz, A.M., Hamilton, M., and Ping, Y. 2022. Mediating a host cell signaling pathway linked to overwinter mortality offers a promising therapeutic approach for improving bee health. Journal of Advanced Research, 20. 1 – 16. Leer más
Alburaki, M., and Corona M. 2021. Polyurethane honey bee hives provide better winter insulation than wooden hives. Journal of Apicultural Research, 61, 190 -196. Leer más
Alburaki, M., Madella, S., and Corona, M. 2021. RFID Technology Serving Honey Bee Research: A Comprehensive Description of a 32-Antenna System to Study Honey Bee and Queen Behavior. Applied System Innovation, 4 (4): 88. Leer más
Aldea-Sánchez P, Ramírez-Cáceres GE, Rezende EL and Bozinovic F. 2021. Heat Tolerance, Energetics, and Thermal Treatments of Honeybees Parasitized With Varroa. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:656504. Leer más
Allen-Perkins, A., Magrach, A., Dainese, M., Garibaldi, L.A., et al. 2021. CropPol: a dynamic, open and global database on crop pollination. Ecology. e3614. Leer más
Araneda X., Aldea P., and Freire X. 2021. Small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray), a potential threat to beekeeping in Chile. Chilean Journal of Agricultural & Animal Science ex Agro-Ciencia. 37(1), 3-10. Leer más.
Arenas A, Lajad R, Peng T, Grüter C, Farina WM. 2021. Correlation between octopaminergic signaling and foraging task specialization in honey bees. Gene, Brain and Behavior. 20(4), e12718. Leer más
Arismendi, N., Riveros, G., Zapata, N., Smagghe, G., González, C., Vargas, M. 2021. Occurrence of bee viruses and pathogens associated with emerging infectious diseases in native and non-native bumble bees in southern Chile. Biological Invasions 23, 1175-1189. Leer más
Avila Jr R.S., Moura J. 2021. Contributing to the knowledge of Brazilian Sphingidae diversity: the first record of Adhemarius daphne daphne and Amphimoea walkeri in South Brazil. Entomological Communication 3, 21. Leer más
Ayup, Maria Marta, Gärtner, Philipp, Agosto-Rivera, José L., Marendy, Peter, De Souza, Paulo, Galindo-Cardona, A. 2021. Analysis of Honeybee Drone Activity during the Mating Season in Northwestern Argentina. Insects. vol.12 n°6. eissn 2075-4450. Leer más
Bianchi, E, Agra, M.N, García, C, Gennari, G, Maldonado,L.M, Rodríguez,G.A, Palacio,M.A, Scannapieco, A.C and Lanzavecchia, S.V. 2021. Defensive Behavior and Morphometric Variation in Apis mellifera Colonies From Two Different Agro-Ecological Zones of North-Western Argentina. Frontier in Ecology and Evolution Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Volume 9 (Article 590225). Leer más
Blanco, C.A., Corona, M., Hernández, G., Smith, A.H., and Dively, G.P. 2021. Metal Screen at the Entrance of a Hive does not Affect Production and Reproduction of Honey Bees and Can Prevent Predation by Hornets. Southwestern Entomologist, 45(4): 843-852. Leer más
Borges, D., Guzman, E., Goodwin, P.H. 2021. Effects of Prebiotics and Probiotics on Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Infected with the Microsporidian Parasite Nosema ceranae. Microorganisms, 9(3), 481. Leer más
Brasesco, C., Fernandez de Landa, G., Quintana, S., Junges, C., Di Gerónimo, V., Porrini, L., Reynaldi, F.J., Eguaras, M. and Maggi M. 2021. A Lake Sinai Virus Variant is Infecting Managed Honey Bee Colonies of Argentina with Varying Degrees of Varroa destructor Infestation. Bee World. Leer más
Branchiccela, B., Castelli, L., Díaz-Cetti, S,. Invernizzi, C., Mendoza, Y., Santos, E., Silva, C., Zunino, P., Antúnez, K. 2021. Can pollen supplementation mitigate the impact of nutritional stress on honeybee colonies? Journal of Apicultural Research. Leer más
Borges, D., Guzman-Novoa, E., & Goodwin, P. H. (2021). Effects of Prebiotics and Probiotics on Honey Bees (Apis mellifera) Infected with the Microsporidian Parasite Nosema ceranae. Microorganisms, 9(3), 481. Leer más
Braglia C., Alberoni, D., Porrini, M.P., Garrido, M.P., Baffoni, L., Di Gioia, D., 2021. Screening of dietary ingredients against the honey bee parasite Nosema ceranae. Pathogens. 10(9): 1117. Leer más
Castelli, L., Branchiccela, B., Romero, H., Zunino, P., Antúnez, K. 2021. Seasonal Dynamics of the Honey Bee Gut Microbiota in Colonies Under Subtropical Climate. Microbial Ecology. Leer más
Castelli, L., Balbuena, S., Branchiccela, B., Zunino, P., Liberti, J., Engel, P., Antúnez, K. 2021. Impact of Chronic Exposure to Sublethal Doses of Glyphosate on Honey Bee Immunity, Gut Microbiota and Infection by Pathogens. Microorganisms, 9, 845. Leer más
Castelli, L., Genchi García, M.L., Dalmon, A., Arredondo, D., Antúnez, K., Invernizzi, C., Reynaldi, F.J., Le Conte, Y., Beaurepaire, A., 2021. Intra-Colonial Viral Infections in Western Honey Bees (Apis Mellifera). Microorganisms 9, 1087. Leer más
Cavigliasso, P., Negri, P., Viel, M., Graziani, M. M., Challiol, C., Bello, F., & Saez, A. 2021. Precision management of pollination services to blueberry crops. Scientific Reports, 11(1), 1-8. Leer más
Chabert, S., Requier, F., Chadoeuf, J., Guilbaud, L., Morison, N., Vaissière, B.E. 2021. Rapid measurement of the adult worker population size in honey bees. Ecological Indicators, 122, 107313. Leer más
Crupkin, A. C., Fulvi, A. B., Iturburu, F. G., Medici, S., Mendieta, J., Panzeri, A. M., & Menone, M. L. 2021. Evaluation of hematological parameters, oxidative stress and DNA damage in the cichlid Australoheros facetus exposed to the fungicide azoxystrobin. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 207, 111286. Leer más
de Groot, G.S., Aizen, M.A., Sáez, A., & Morales, C.L. 2021. Large-scale monoculture reduces honey yield: the case of soybean expansion in Argentina. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 306, 107203. Leer más
De Landa, G.F., Porrini, M.P., Revainera, P., and Correa, A. 2021. Pathogens Detection in the Small Hive Beetle (Aethina tumida (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae)). Neotrop Entomol. 50(2), 312 – 316. Leer más
De la Mora, A, B. Emsen, N. Morfin, D. Borges, L. Eccles, P.G. Kelly, P. H. Goodwin, E. Guzman-Novoa., 2021 Selective breeding for low and high Varroa destructor growth in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies: initial results of two generations. Insects 11, 864. Leer más
De la Mora, A., Morfin, N., Espinosa, L.G., Medina, C.A. and Guzman, E. 2021. The mite Varroa destructor lowers the stinging response threshold of honey bees (Apis mellifera). Journal of Apicultural Research, 113 (6), 407- 424. Leer más
Díaz, R., Niell, S., Cesio, M. V, Heinzen, H., 2021. Floral food resources for Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in a mountain forest area in Uruguay. Agrociencia Uruguay 25, 2. Leer más
Estravis Barcala MC, Palottini F, Macri I, Nery D, Farina WM. 2021. Managed honeybees and South American bumblebees exhibit complementary foraging patterns in highbush blueberry. Scientific Reports, 11, 8187. Leer más
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Hünicken, P.L., Morales, C.L., Aizen, M.A., Anderson, G.K.S., García, N., Garibaldi, L.A., 2021. Insect pollination enhances yield stability in two pollinator-dependent crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 320, 107573. Leer más
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Liendo, M. C., Muntaabski, I., Russo, R. M., Lanzavecchia, S. B., Segura, D. F., Palacio, M. A., Fernández, P. C., & Scannapieco, A. C. 2021. Temporal changes in volatile profiles of Varroa destructor‐infested brood may trigger hygienic behavior in Apis mellifera. Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata. Leer más
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Morfin, N., Gashout, H.A., and Macías, J.O. 2021. Detection, replication and quantification of deformed wing virus-A, deformed wing virus-B, and black queen cell virus in the endemic stingless bee, Melipona colimana, from Jalisco, Mexico. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41, 1285 – 1292. Leer más
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Muntaabski, I., Russo, R. M., Liendo, M. C., Palacio, M. A., Cladera, J. L., Lanzavecchia, S. B., & Scannapieco, A. C. 2020. Genetic variation and heteroplasmy of Varroa destructor inferred from ND4 mtDNA sequences. Parasitology research, 119(2), 411-421. Leer más
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- Porrini, M.P.; Garrido, P.M.; Umpiérrez, M.L.; Porrini, L.P.; Cuniolo, A.; Davyt, B.; González, A.; Eguaras, M.J.; Rossini, C. 2020. Effects of Synthetic Acaricides and Nosema ceranae (Microsporidia: Nosematidae) on Molecules Associated with Chemical Communication and Recognition in Honey Bees. Vet. Sci., 7, 199. Leer más
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- Revainera, P., Quintana, S., Fernández de Landa, G., García Iza,C., Olivera, E., Fuentes, G. Plischuk, S., Medici, S., Ruffinengo, S., Marcángeli, J., y Fuselli, S. 2020. Molecular detection of bee pathogens in honey. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 6(5), 467-474 Leer más
- Revainera, P., Quintana, S., Fernández de Landa, G., Meroi, F., Lucía, M., Abrahamovich, AH.,Plischuk, S., Eguaras MJ., y Maggi, MD. 2020. Phoretic mites on South American bumblebees (Bombus spp.) as parasite carriers: a historical input. Apidologie, 51(4), 455-464. Leer más
- Rodríguez, A. Luis, Yadró, C., Invernizzi, C., Branchiccela, B., Pérez Piñeiro, A., Pérez Morfi, A., Zunino, P., Antúnez, K. 2020. Nosema ceranae and RNA viruses in honey bee populations of Cuba. Apidologie. Leer más
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Rossini, C., Rodrigo, F., Davyt, B., Umpiérrez, M.L., González, A., Garrido, P.M., Cuniolo, A., Porrini, L.P., Eguaras, M.J., Porrini, M.P. 2020. Sub-lethal effects of the consumption of Eupatorium buniifolium essential oil in honeybees. PLOS ONE, 15(11), e0241666. Leer más- Russo, R. M., Liendo, M. C., Landi, L., Pietronave, H. P., Merke, J., Fain, H. C., Muntaabski, I., Palacio, M. A., Rodríguez, G., Lanzavecchia, S. B., & Scannapieco, A. C. 2020. Grooming behavior in naturally Varroa-resistant Apis mellifera colonies from North-Central Argentina. Frontiers Media. Leer más
Sabahi, Q., N. Morfin, G. Nehzati-Paghaleh, E. Guzman-Novoa. 2020. Detection and replication of deformed wing virus and black queen cell virus in parasitic mites, Varroa destructor, from Iranian honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies. Journal of Apicultural Research, 59 (2), 211-217. Leer más- Sabahi, Q., N. Morfin, B. Emsen, H.A. Gashout, P.G. Kelly, S. Otto, A.R. Merrill, E. Guzman-Novoa. 2020. Evaluation of dry and wet formulations of oxalic acid, thymol, and oregano oil for varroa mite (Acari: Varroidae) control in honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae) colonies. Journal of Economic Entomology. Published online. Leer más
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Salvarrey, S., Santos, E., Arbulo, N., Gimenéz, G., Invernizzi, C. 2020. Characteristics of the tomato fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) using native bumblebees (Bombus atratus) as pollinators in greenhouse. Agrociencia Uruguay, 24(1),101. Leer más
Szawarski, N., Martínez, P. G., Mitton, G., Negri, P., Arcerito, F. M., Moliné, M. P., … & Maggi, M. (2020). Antimicrobial activity of indoleacetic, gibberellic and coumaric acids against Paenibacillus larvae and its toxicity against Apis mellifera. Spanish journal of agricultural research, 18(1), 501. Leer más- Tapia-Gonzalez, JM., Alcazar, G., Macías-Macías, JO., Contreras-Escareño, JF., Tapia, C., Petukhova, T., Guzman-Novoa, E. 2020. Ascospherosis in honey bees and its relationship to environmental factors in Jalisco, Mexico. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias 11(2), 468-478. Leer más
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Vázquez, DE., Latorre-Estivalis, JM., Ons, S., y Farina, WM. 2020. Chronic exposure to glyphosate induces transcriptional changes in honey bee larva: A toxicogenomic study. Environmental Pollution, 114148. Leer más
Zamorano, J., Bartomeus, I., Grez, A. A., and Garibaldi, L. A. 2020. Field margin floral enhancements increase pollinator diversity at the field edge but show no consistent spillover into the crop field: a meta‐analysis. Insect Conservation and Diversity 13 (6), 519-531. Leer más
- Aizen, MA., Aguiar, S., Biesmeijer, JC., Garibaldi, LA., Inouye, DW., Jung, C., Martins, DJ., Medel, R., Morales, CL., Ngo, H., Pauw, A., Paxton, RJ., Sáez, A., Seymour, CL., 2019. Global agricultural productivity is threatened by increasing pollinator dependence without a parallel increase in crop diversification. Global change biology. Leer más
- Avalos, J., Rosero, H., Maldonado, G., Reynaldi, FJ., 2019. Honeybee louse (Braula schmitzi) as a honeybee virus vector? Journal of Apicultural Research. ISSN 0021-8839. Leer más
- Balbuena, MS., González, A., y Farina, WM., 2019. Characterizing honeybee cuticular hydrocarbons during foraging. Sociobiology, 66(1), 97-106. Leer más
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- Bravi, ME., Álvarez, LJ., Lucia, M., Pecoraro, MRI., Genchi Garcia, ML. y Reynaldi, FJ., 2019. Wild bumblebees (Hymenoptera: Apidae: Bombini) as a reservoir of bee pathogens in the Northeast of Argentina. Journal of Apicultural Research. 0021-8839. Leer más
- Calderón, RA., 2019. Comportamiento reproductivo del ácaro Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) en celdas con cría de obrera y zángano en abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera) en condiciones tropicales. Ciencias Veterinarias 37(2): 44-61. Leer más
- Calderón, RA., Padilla, S., Ramírez, M., 2019. Estudio preliminar sobre la presencia de enfermedades en enjambres de abejas africanizadas (Apis mellifera) en diferentes zonas de Costa Rica. Ciencias Veterinarias 37(1):13-25. Leer más
- Calderón, R. A.; Ramírez, M., 2019. New Record of the Small Hive Beetle, Aethina tumida, in Africanized Honey Bee Colonies in Costa Rica. Bee World 96(3): 87-89. Leer más
- Castelli, L., Branchiccela, B., Invernizzi, C., Tomasco, I., Basualdo, M., Rodriguez, M., Zunino, P., Antúnez, K. , 2019. Detection of Lotmaria passim in Africanized and European honey bees from Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. Leer más
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- Contreras-Escareño, F., Echazarreta-G, CM., Guzman-Novoa, E., Macías-Macías, JO., 2019. Traditional knowledge and potencial use of stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Meliponinae) in the Manantlan sierra, Jalisco, Mexico. Sociobiology 66 (1), 120-125. Leer más
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- Franceschinelli, E.V., Bergamini, L., Moreira, G.L., Morais, J.M., Elias, M.A.S.,and Silva Neto, C.M. 2019. Native bee fauna of tomato crops: a comparison of active sampling and pan trapping methods. Iheringia, série Zoologica 109, 1. Leer más
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- Genchi García, ML., Reynaldi, FJ, Bravi, C., 2018. An update of Africanization in honeybees (Apis mellifera) populations 1 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Journal of Apicultural Research, 57(5), 611-614. Leer más
- Giménez-Martínez, P., Cugnata, N., Alonso-Salces, RM., Arredondo, D., Antúnez, K., De Castro, R., Fuselli, SR., 2019. Short communication: Natural molecules for the control of Paenibacillus larvae, causal agent of American foulbrood in honey bees (Apis mellifera L.).Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research. Leer más
- Hernández, I. G., Palottini, F., Macri, I., Galmarini, C. R., & Farina, W. M., 2019. Appetitive behavior of the honey bee Apis mellifera in response to phenolic compounds naturally found in nectars. Journal of Experimental Biology, 222(2). Leer más
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- Medina-Flores, CA., Guzman-Novoa, E., Aguilera-Soto, JI., López-Carlos, MA., Medina-Cuéllar, SE., 2019. Populations and food stores of honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies from three regions of Mexico’s semi-arid high plateau. Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Pecuarias, 10 (1), 199-211. Leer más
- Morfin, N., Given, K., Evans, M., Guzman-Novoa, E., Hunt, GJ., 2019. Grooming behavior and gene expression of the Indiana “mite-biter” honey bee stock. Apidologie. Published online. Leer más
- Morfin, N., Goodwin, PH., Correa-Benitez, A., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2019. Sublethal exposure to clothianidin during the larval stage causes long-term impairment of hygienic and foraging behaviours of honey bees. Apidologie, 50, 595-605. Leer más
- Morfin, N., Goodwin, PH., Hunt, GJ., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2019. Effects of sublethal doses of clothianidin and/or V. destructor on honey bee (Apis mellifera) self-grooming behavior and associated gene expression. Nature Scientific Reports, 9, 5196. Leer más
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- Pietrantuono, AL., Requier, F., Fernández-Arhex, V., Winter, J., Huerta, G., Guerrieri, F., 2019. Honeybees generalize among pollen scents from plants flowering in the same seasonal period. Journal of Experimental Biology. Leer más
- Porrini, LP., Quintana, S., Brasesco, C., Porrini, MP., Garrido, PM., Eguaras, MJ., Müller, F. y Fernández Iriarte, P., 2019. Southern limit of Africanized honey bees in Argentina inferred by mtDNA and wing geometric morphometric analysis, Journal of Apicultural Research, 1-10. Leer más
- Prado, A., Pioz, M., Vidau, C., Requier, F., Brunet, JL., Jury, M., Le Conte, Y., Alaux, C., 2019. Exposure to pollen-bound pesticide mixtures induces longer-lived but less efficient honey bees. Science of the Total Environment 650, 1250-1260. Leer más
- Quintana, S., Brasesco, C., Negri, P., Marin, M., Pagnuco, I., Szawarski, N., Reynaldi, FJ., Larsen, A., Eguaras, M., Maggi, M., 2019. Up-regulated pathways in response to Deformed Wing Virus infection in Apis mellifera (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Revista de la sociedad entomológica Argentina, 78(1), 1-11. Leer más
- Quintana, S., G. Fernandez de Landa, P. Revainera, F. Meroi, L. Porrini, V. Di Gerónimo, S. Plischuk, M. Eguaras & M. D. Maggi. 2019. Broad geographic and host distribution of Apis mellifera filamentous virus in South American native bees. Journal of Apicultural Science, 68(2), 327-332. Leer más
- Ramos O.Y. , Basualdo M, Libonatti C. and Vega MF. , 2019. Current status and application of lactic acid bacteria in animal production systems with a focus on bacteria from honey bee colonies. Journal of Applied Microbiology. Leer más
- Requier, F., Rome, Q., Chiron, G., Decante, D., Marion, S., Ménard, M., Muller, F., Villemant, C., Henry, M., 2019. Predation of the invasive Asian hornet-induced risk on honeybee colony collapse affects foraging activity and survival probability of honey bees in Western Europe. Journal of Pest Science, 92(2), 567-578. Leer más
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- Requier, F. and Crewe, RM., 2019. Learning from wild honey bees. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34(11), 967-968. Leer más
- Requier, F., Garnery, L., Kohl, PL., Njovu, HK., Pirk, CWW., Crewe, RM., Steffan-Dewenter, I., 2019. The conservation of native honey bees is crucial. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 34(9), 789-798. Leer más
- Revainera P. D., S. Salvarrey, E. Santos, N. Arbulo, C. Invernizzi, S. Plischuk, A. H. Abrahamovich & M. D. Maggi. 2019. Phoretic mites associated to Bombus pauloensis and Bombus bellicosus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) from Uruguay. Journal of Apicultural Research, 58(3), 455-462. Leer más
- Reyes-Quintana, M., Espinosa-Montaño, LG., Prieto-Merlos, D., Koleoglu, G., Petukhova, T., Correa-Benítez, A., Guzman-Novoa, E. , 2019. Impact of Varroa destructor and deformed wing virus on emergence, cellular immunity, wing integrity and survivorship of Africanized honey bees in Mexico. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. Leer más
- Riveros, G., Arismendi, N., Zapata, N., Evans, D., Pérez, I., Aldea, P. and Vargas, M., 2019. Notes and comments: Occurrence, prevalence and viral load of deformed wing virus variants in Apis mellifera colonies in Chile. Journal of Apicultural Research. Leer más
- Silva-Neto, C.M., Brito, P.V.A. and Freitas, P.V.D.X. 2019. Predador de abelhas sem ferrão no Cerrado brasileiro: Primeiro registro de Hololepta (Leionota) reichii Marseul (Coleoptera, Histeridae) em colônia de Melipona quadrifasciata.Tecnia, 4, 194-200. Leer más
- Sixto, A., Niell, S., Heinzen, H., 2019. Straightforward Determination of Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids in Honey through Simplified Methanol Extraction (QuPPE) and LC-MS/MS Modes. ACS Omega 4, 22632–22637. Leer más
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- Szawarski, N., Saez, A., Domínguez, E., Dickson, R., De Matteis, Á., Eciolaza, C., … & Negri, P., 2019. Effect of abscisic acid (ABA) combined with two different beekeeping nutritional strategies to confront overwintering: Studies on honey bees’ population dynamics and nosemosis. Insects, 10(10), 329. Leer más
- Tapia-González, JM., Alcazar, G., Macías-Macías, JO., Contreras-Escareño, F., Tapia, JC., Petukhova, T., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2019. Varroosis in honey bees in different environmental and regional conditions of Jalisco, Mexico. Ecosistemas y Recursos Agropecuarios, 6 (17), 243-251. Leer más
- Tapia-González, JM., Morfin, N., Macías-Macías, JO., De la Mora, A., Tapia, JC., Ayala, R., Contreras-Escareño, F., Gashout, HA., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2019. Evidence of presence and replication of honey bee viruses among wild bee pollinators in subtropical environments. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 168, 107256. Leer más
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- Agüero, JI., Rollin, O., Torretta, J.P., Aizen, MA., Requier, F., Garibaldi, LA., 2018. Honeybee impact on plants and wild bees in natural habitats. Ecosistemas 27(2), 60-69. Leer más
- Aizen, MA., Smith-Ramirez C., Morales, CL., Vieli, L., Saez, A., Barahona-Segovia, R., Arbetman, MP., Montalva, J. Garibaldi, LA., Inouye, DW. y Harder, LD., 2018. Coordinated species importation policies are needed to reduce serious invasions globally: The case of alien bumblebees in South America. Journal of Applied Ecology. Leer más
- Alvarez, L.J., Reynaldi, F.J., Ramello, P.J., Garcia, M.L.G., Sguazza, G.H., Abrahamovich, A.H. and Lucia, M., 2018. Detection of honey bee viruses in Argentinian stingless bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Insectes Sociaux, 65(1), 191-197. Leer más
- Antúnez, K., Requier, F., Aldea Sánchez, P., Basualdo, M., Branchiccela, B., Calderón, R., Correa-Benítez, A., Delgado-Cañedo, A., Fuselli, S., Morales, C., Pérez, E., Plischuk, S., Porrini, MP., Segui Goncalves, L., Tapia, JM., Torres, A., Velarde, R. y Invernizzi, C. 2018. Solatina: A Latin-American Society for Bee Research to Foster the Interactions Between Scientists and Coordinate Large-Scale Research Programs. Bee World 95, (4), 124-127. Leer más
- Arismendi, N., Vargas, M., Lopéz, MD., Barría, Y., et al., 2018. Promising antimicrobial activity against the honey bee parasite Nosema ceranae by methanolic extracts from Chilean native plants and propolis. Journal of Apicultural Research, 57, 522-535. Leer más
- Arredondo, D., Castelli, L., Porrini, M.P., Garrido, P.M., Eguaras, M.J., Zunino, P. and Antúnez, K., 2018. Lactobacillus kunkeei strains decreased the infection by honey bee pathogens Paenibacillus larvae and Nosema ceranae. Beneficial microbes, 9(2), 279-290. Leer más
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- Calderón, RA. y Ramírez, M., 2018. Situación del Pequeño Escarabajo, Aethina tumida, en colmenas de abejas Africanizadas (Apis mellifera) en Costa Rica: Muestreo de apiarios 2014 – 2017. Ciencias Veterinarias, 36(1), 19-26. Leer más
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- Egea, E., Sanchez, W., Garrigues, P., Bayeta, G.A., Arce, A., Beaurepaire, A., Boily, M., Bonmatin, J.M., Bouga, M., Branchiccela, M.B. and Garrido, P.M., 2018. The rovaltain foundation engages in pollinator health. Bee World, 95(1), 20-21. Leer más
- Garibaldi, LA., Andersson, GKS., Requier, F., Fijen, TPM., Hipólito, J., Kleijn, D., Pérez-Méndez, N, Rollin, O., 2018. Complementarity and synergisms among ecosystem services supporting crop yield. Global Food Security, 17, 38-47. Leer más
- Gashout, AH, Goodwin, PH., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2018. Lethality of synthetic and natural acaricides to worker honey bees (Apis mellifera) and their impact on the expression of health and detoxification-related genes. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 34730-34739. Leer más
- Genchi García, M.L., Reynaldi, F.J, Bravi, C. 2018. An update of Africanization in honeybees (Apis mellifera) populations 1 in Buenos Aires, Argentina”. Journal Of Apicultural Research. Inglaterra. ISSN 0021-8839. Leer más
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- Grosso, J.P., Barneto, J.A., Velarde, R.A., Pagano, E.A., Zavala, J.A. and Farina, W.M., 2018. An early sensitive period induces long-lasting plasticity in the honeybee nervous system. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 12, p11. Leer más
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- Koleoglu, G., Goodwin, PH., Reyes-Quintana, M., Hamiduzzaman M., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2018. Varroa destructor parasitism reduces hemocyte concentrations and prophenol oxidase gene expression in bees from two populations. Parasitology Research, 117, 1175-1183. Leer más
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- Sabahi, Q., Hamiduzzaman, M., Barajas-Perez, JS., Tapia-Gonzalez, JM., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2018. Toxicity of anethole and the essential oils of lemongrass and sweet marigold to the parasitic mite Varroa destructor and their selectivity for honey bee (Apis mellifera) workers and larvae. Psyche: A Journal of Entomology, 8. Leer más
- Saez A., Aizen MA., Morales CL., Morales, JM. y Harder, L., 2018. The costs and benefits of pollinator dependence: empirically-based simulations predict raspberry fruit quality. Ecological Applications, 28, 1215-1222. Leer más
- Silva-Neto, C.M., Ribeiro, A.C.C., Gomes, F.L., Melo, A.P.C., Oliveira, G.M., Faquinello, P., Franceschinelli, E.V. and Nascimento, A.R. 2018. The stingless bee mandaçaia (Melipona quadrifasciata Lepeletier) increases the quality of greenhouse tomatoes. Journal of Apicultural Research, 1-7. Leer más
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- Steinhauer, K., Kulhanek, K. Antúnez, K., Human, P., Chantawannakul, MP., Chauzat, vanEngelsdorp, D., 2018. Drivers of colony losses. Current opinion in insect science, 26, 142-148. Leer más
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- Antúnez, K., Invernizzi, C., Mendoza, Y. and Zunino, P., 2017. Honeybee colony losses in Uruguay during 2013–2014. Apidologie, 48(3), 364-370. Leer más
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- Hamiduzzaman, MdH., Emsen, B., Hunt, GJ., Subramanyam, S., Williams, CE., Tsuruda, JM., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2017. Differential gene expression associated with honey bee grooming behavior in response to Varroa mites. Behavior Genetics 47, 335-344. Leer más
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- Ribeiro, A.C.C., Calil, F.N., GONÇALVES, B.B., Melo, A.P.C., Braga, C.A.S.B., Souza, M.M.O., Silva-Neto, C.M. 2017. Honey production in rural settlements in central Brazil. Zootecnia Tropical – FONAIAP 35, 75-85. Leer más
- Sabahi, Q., Gashout, H., Kelly, PG., Guzman-Novoa, E., 2017. Continuous release of oregano oil effectively and safely controls Varroa destructor infestations in honey bee colonies in a northern climate. Experimental and Applied Acarology, 72 (3), 263-275. Leer más
- Saez, A., Morales, CL., Garibaldi, LA y Aizen, MA., 2017. Invasive bumble bees reduce nectar availability for honey bees by robbing raspberry flower buds. Basic and Applied Ecology, 19, 26-35. Leer más
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- Steinhauer, N., Kulhanek, K., Antúnez, K., Human, H., Chantawannakul, P., Chauzat, M.P. and vanEngelsdorp, D., 2018. Drivers of colony losses. Current opinion in insect science, 26, 142-148. Leer más
- Szawarski, N., Quintana, S., Levy, E., Lucía, M., Abrahamovich, A., Porrini, M., Brasesco, C., Negri, P., Sarlo, G., Eguaras, M. and Maggi, M., 2017. Is Acarapis woodi mite currently infesting Apis mellifera colonies in Argentina?. Journal of Apicultural Research, 56(4), 387-393. Leer más
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- Vargas, M., Arismendi, N., Riveros, G., Zapata, N., Bruna, A., Vidal, M., Rodríguez, M. y Gerding, M., 2017. Viral and intestinal diseases detected in Apis mellifera in Central and Southern Chile. Chilean journal of agricultural research, 77(3), 243-249. Leer más
- Albo, GN., Kuzmanich, R., Reynaldi, FJ., Picotto, LD. y Sguazza, GH., 2016. Desarrollo de una técnica de inmunodifusión para la detección del virus Sacbrood en abejas. Invet., 18 (2), 363-370. Leer más
- Albo, GN., Reynaldi, FJ., Vivot, W., Córdoba, SB., 2016. Evaluation of inhibitory activity of the essential oil of Cymbopogon citratus and five diluents Ascosphaera apis on crops and toxicity in adult bees. Analecta veterinaria. 36 (1), 5-11.Leer más
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- Anguiano-Baez, R., Guzman-Novoa, E., Hamiduzzaman, MM., Espinosa-Montaño, LG., Correa-Benítez, A., 2016. Varroa destructor (Mesostigmata: Varroidae) parasitism and climate differentially influence the prevalence, levels and overt infections of deformed wing virus in honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Insect Science, 16 (1), 44. Leer más
Araujo, F. D., Silva-Neto,C.M., Ribeiro, A.C.C., Oliveira, G.M., Nascimento, A.R. 2016. Honey economic voluation in the State of Goiás: Conservation and income. Agrarian Academy 2, 32-40. Leer más
- Arismendi, N., Bruna, A., Zapata, N., Vargas, M., 2016. Molecular detection of the tracheal mite Locustacarus buchneri in native and non-native bumble bees in Chile. Insectes Sociaux, 63, 629-633. Leer más
- Arismendi, N., Bruna, A., Zapata, N., Vargas, M., 2016. PCR-specific detection of recently described Lotmaria passim (Trypanosomatidae) in Chilean apiaries. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 134, 1-5. Leer más
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- Branchiccela, B., Arredondo, D., Higes, M., Invernizzi, C., Martín-Hernández, R., Tomasco, I., Zunino P., Antúnez, K., 2016. Characterization of Nosema ceranae genetic variants from different geographic origins. Microbial Ecology. Leer más
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- Garrido, M., Porrini, MP., Antúnez, K., Branchiccela, B., Astrid, G., Zunino, P., Salerno, G., Eguaras, M., 2016. Sublethal effects of acaricides and Nosema ceranae infection on immune related gene expression in honeybees. Veterinary Research. 47, 51. Leer más
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Silva-Neto, C.M., Franceschinelli, E.V., Bergamini, L., Elias, M.A.S., Morais, J.M., Moreira, G.L.and Bergamini, B. 2016. High species richness of native pollinators in Brazilian tomato crops. Brazilian Journal of Biology 1. Leer más
Silva Neto, C.M., Ribeiro, A.C.C., Prado, M.A.,Silva, J. P., Lima, F.G., Nascimento, A.R. and Gonçalves, B.B. 2016. Nas asas da identificação: Uso de morfometria da asa em espécies de Melipona. Interciencia 41, 605-609. Leer más